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If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.     --Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Yes, those are my books and not a generic picture from the internet. I'm an old book addict (old modifying both book and addict in this case.)  It's an expensive addiction.  Inhaling that musty smell of old books is an incredible high!


Most of my Kindle books I find on the Project Gutenberg website--free downloads of books whose copyrights have expired.  Therefore you find no current titles but thousands and thousands of great--and some not so great--literature.  If you haven't yet discovered or the Australian you're in for a treat.


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This may be the year I finally have my wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling bookshelves installed!  That's 25'x9'--225 square feet of books.  And, yes, there will be a library ladder as well.  When I rid the house three years ago of crazy bookcases that took up space here, there, and everywhere, most of the books went into numbered Rubbermaid tubs that are stacked in the bedroom.  Never a problem, though, since I keep a detailed spreadsheet of all my books and know exactly where each one is!









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